1) What … like? A) is Jane B) does Jane C) does Jane look 2) There were … people at the open — air concert A) only a few B) not much C) only a…

01 октября 2023

1) What … like? A) is Jane B) does Jane C) does Jane look 2) There were … people at the open — air concert A) only a few B) not much C) only a little 3) Iam so smart , …? A) is not it B) is not I C) are not I 4) Julie works a lot. She … hard. A) is used to work B) is used to working C) used to working 5) How long … Paul? A) do you know B) have you known

категория: английский язык


1) What … like? A) is Jane B) does Jane C) does Jane look 2) There were … people at the open — air concert A) only a few B) not much C) only a little 3) I am so smart , …? A) is not it B) is not I C) are not I 4) Julie works a lot. She … hard. A) is used to work B) is used to working C) used to working 5) How long … Paul? A) do you know B) have you knownC) has you known

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