3) What ____ the teacher doing? She is helping Aizhan with this exercise. 4) What ___ ___ like doing in your free time? I like playing football. 7)…

17 ноября 2023

3) What ____ the teacher doing? She is helping Aizhan with this exercise. 4) What ___ ___ like doing in your free time? I like playing football. 7) What __your father do? He is doctor.He works in hospital. 8) What __ you __ at 5 oclock yesterday? I was watching TV. 9) How long ___ you ___ studying English? Ive been studying English for five years. 10) What ___ you ___ to do tonight? I`m going to do my homework.

категория: английский язык


3) What is the teacher doing? She is helping Aizhan with this exercise. 4) What do you like doing in your free time? I like playing football. 7) What does your father do? He is doctor.He works in hospital. 8) What were you doing at 5 oclock yesterday? I was watching TV. 9) How long have you been studying English? Ive been studying English for five years. 10) What are you going to do tonight? I`m going to do my homework. Если кто-нибудь еще решит эту задачу, то пожалуйста выбери лучшее решение

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