Choose the correct answer,fill in the articles and prepositions where necessary. The World Wildlife Fund is1.___international organization involved…

12 сентября 2023

Choose the correct answer,fill in the articles and prepositions where necessary. The World Wildlife Fund is1.___international organization involved in saving animals and 2.___environment they live in. It was founded in 1961, and deals 4____5___ (every,any,many,few) aspects of nature,for example plants,fish and the other use of the worl's natural resources.The WWF has succeeded 6.___ rescuing 7___ least 30 species of birds and mammals from 8.___ (extinct,extinction,extension,migration). If fashionable women today feel 9.___ (happy,excited,embarrashed,guilty) to wear fur coats,it is 10___ (because,due to, owing,thanks) the work of WWF which opposes 11___killing of animals 12.___their skin. 13.___education is the key,if more people were 14. (afraid,fond,aware,tired) of the danger 15.___16___ environment and its wildlife, the perhaps they 17___ (will do, would do, are doing,did) more help organizations like the WWF.

категория: английский язык


1 an2 the3few7 at8extinction9happy10due to12for13an 17will do

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