Написать топик из 25 предложений на тему"friendship is" пожалуйста очень надо

10 сентября 2023

Написать топик из 25 предложений на тему"friendship is" пожалуйста очень надо

категория: английский язык


Frendship is all for me.I can`t live without it.Friendship is when you smile and laugh with your best friend.Nobody can live without friendship.Friendship is HA-HA-HA with your friends.Friendship is your friend and another friend and another… I am happy when I see my friend! If I am sad — my friend with me.And then I become happy.My friend always helps me.And it`s so funny at the FIRST APRIL! I love my friend! Better I will have only one best friend than I will have 40 friends who will be bad… .I love my best friend! I love my best friend! I love my best friend! I always will say it! But you should remember that you don`t choose the friends… If you haven`t got any friends , don`t afraid! You will have them! But a little bit later! Friendship is all.It`s as air and water.FRIENDSHIP IS MY LIVE! AND AGAIN… I LOVE MY FRIENDS!

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