Помогите ответить на вопросы. 1. What was Fermat? 2. When was Fermat born? 3. Where was Fermat born? 4. Where did…

02 ноября 2023

Помогите ответить на вопросы. 1. What was Fermat? 2. When was Fermat born? 3. Where was Fermat born? 4. Where did Fermatreceive his earliest education?

категория: английский язык


1. FERMAT — THE PRINCE OF MATHEMATICS2. The greatest mathematician was born in 1601,3. Fermat was born at Beaurnont-de-Lomagne, France.4.His earliest education was received at home in his native town.5.his later studies, in preparation for the magistracy, were continued at Toulouse.6.The work of this prince of mathematical analysis has had an irresistible appeal to amateurs of mathematics in all civilized countries during the past three centuries. Помоэму так.

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