Помогите пожалуйста придумать ответ на письмо. I am so pleased to receive your congratulations o me birthday!…

19 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста придумать ответ на письмо. I am so pleased to receive your congratulations o me birthday! It is incredible but me dream hascome true! My parents have gifted me with a kitten! I am sp happy! You known this is my first pet. Have you ever had a cat or any other pets? What problems do you thibk I may come across? Any advice would be very useful.

категория: английский язык


Yes I`ve got a cat.It`s not very easy to look after it,firstly you need to teach how it has to piss on the sand.Then you should feed your kitten with a milk,they like it very much.It often can scratch,but you will get used to it.You`ll be loved by your cat soon.

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