Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком.Join the sentences to make a statement of purpose with in order to or so…

14 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком.Join the sentences to make a statement of purpose with in order to or so (that). Look at the examples first.Example 1Come here. I want to see you properly.Come here so (that) I can see you properly.Example 2He consulted a specialist. He wanted to find a way to stop smoking.He consulted a specialist in order to find a way to stop smoking.1 I'll give you my address I want you to be able to write to me.2 They called a meeting. There was a problem to discuss.3 Let's go next door. Then nobody will be able to hear us.4 He gave a false name He wanted to confuse the police.5 He studied hard every night. He was determined to catch up with the others.6 She always sits at the back of the class.Consequently, she doesn't have to answer any questions.

категория: английский язык


1,I`LL give you my address that you to be able to write to me2,they called a meeting in order a problem to discuss.3.Let's go next door i nobody will be able to hear us.4. He gave a false name in order to confuse the police.5.He studied hard every night that determined to catch up with the others6.She always sits at the back of the class in order doesn't have to answer any questions…

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