ПОМОГИТЕ! put the words in the correct order1.last/wear/Did/year/school/uniform/you?…

03 сентября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ! put the words in the correct order1.last/wear/Did/year/school/uniform/you? 2.Science/have/do/not/We/year/this3have/autumn/When/you/will/holidays/your? 4lessons/Do/often/miss/you/the? 5reading/stories/holiday/I/detectiv/on/enjoy6know/school/What/do/your/about/you? 7do/do/you/What/IT lessons/in? Решите пожалуйста

категория: английский язык


1) Did you wear school uniform last year? 2) We do not have science this year.3) When will you have your autumn holidays? 4) Do you often miss the lessons? 5) I enjoy reading detectiv stories on holiday.6) What do you know about your school? 7) What do you do in lessons?

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