Помогите сделать задание со словами join watch Zoological Society of london friends, all over the world, endangered,…

03 сентября 2023

Помогите сделать задание со словами join watch Zoological Society of london friends, all over the world, endangered, crocodiles, Wild Animals, Parks,right, living thing, insects, save.Three months ago I joined the … . I decided to … the society because I want to help … animals. I vtlieve that every … has the … to live… . many people are trying to … animals and birds, … and fish from death. They organize … where scientists … the animals and their young

категория: английский язык


Three months ago I joined the Zoological Society. I decided to join the societybecause I want to help save animals. I vtlieve that every living thing has the right to live. All over the world many people are trying to save animals and birds, insects andfish from death. They organize Wild Animal Parks where scientists watch the animals andtheir young

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