We saw an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California все типы вопросов, помогите пожалуйста

29 октября 2023

We saw an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California все типы вопросов, помогите пожалуйста

категория: английский язык


1) We didn't see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California.2) Did you see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California? 3) What did you see in the Legoland California? 4) Where did you see an amazing Miniland? 5) What Miniland did you see in the Legoland California? 6) Who did see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California? 7) Why did you see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California? 8) We saw an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California, didn't we? 9) We didn't see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California, did we? 10) When did we see an amazing Miniland in the Legoland California? Вот все) они правильные) это все что можно)

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