Which is right. Помогите пожалуйста 1. Its a nice day today. the sun is shining/shines.2. hello ann. Where are you going/ do you…

17 октября 2023

Which is right. Помогите пожалуйста 1. Its a nice day today. the sun is shining/shines.2. hello ann. Where are you going/ do you go? 3. How often are you going/ do you go on holiday? 4, emily is a writer. Shes writing/ she writes books for children.5. Im never reading/ i never read newspapers.6. where are Michael and Jane? theyre watcing/ they watch TV in the living room7. Helen is in her office. Shes talking/ she talks to somebody8. What time are you usually having/ do you usually have dinner? 9. john isnt at home at the moment. Hes visiting/ he visits some friends10. Would you like some tea? no thank you. Im not drining/ i dont drink teaпожалуйста помагите

категория: английский язык


1. Its a nice day today. the sun is shining/shines.2. hello ann. Where are you going/ do you go? 3. How often are you going/ do you go on holiday? 4, emily is a writer. Shes writing/ she writes books for children.5. Im never reading/ i never read newspapers.6. where are Michael and Jane? theyre watching/ they watch TV in the living room7. Helen is in her office. Shes talking/ she talks to somebody8. What time are you usually having/ do you usually have dinner? 9. john isnt at home at the moment. Hes visiting/ he visits some friends10. Would you like some tea? no thank you. Im not drining/ i dont drink tea

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