Write a letter to you pen friend in Australia.Tell your pen friend about the book you've just read.

28 октября 2023

Write a letter to you pen friend in Australia.Tell your pen friend about the book you've just read.

категория: английский язык


Dear Jane, Thanks for writing such a long and funny letter. I always enjoy reading what you’ve been doing.The purpose I am writing this letter is to inform you that I have just finished reading a book which is written by a famous novelist Daniel Defoe " Robinson Crusoe". It is a good book for you to read to kill time as it will be school holidays soon. The price of a paperback is not expensive. I strongly recommend this book to you because I'm sure you can learn a lot from the book.I hope you can buy the book and enjoy reading. However, I will continue to read other books of this author and write you soon.Best wishes,Jack

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