Write about yourself. What is that you. 1) never (seldom, often, always) object to 2) like to participate in 3) are never guilty of 4) are (not) used…

21 ноября 2023

Write about yourself. What is that you. 1) never (seldom, often, always) object to 2) like to participate in 3) are never guilty of 4) are (not) used to5) are (not) capable of doing 6) usually get tired of 7) will never (would like to) participate in 8) are really interested in 9) look forward to

категория: английский язык


1) I never minded adults 2) take part in various collective games 3) is never to blame for the fight 4) is not used to strangers 5) is not able to deceive the girl 6) remains generally from strenuous exercise 7) would like to participate in what some competitions 8) is interested in the technique 9) looking forward to next year

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