Write sentences in the Passive 1) (The prisoners/ take/ to prison/now) 2) (Tea /grow/ India) 3) (The prizes /award/ President/tomorrow)

02 ноября 2023

Write sentences in the Passive 1) (The prisoners/ take/ to prison/now) 2) (Tea /grow/ India) 3) (The prizes /award/ President/tomorrow)

категория: английский язык


1-The prisoners are being taken to prison now.2-Tea is grown in India.3-The prizes will be awarded by President tomorrow.4-The presents are being wrapped now.5-The dog hasn't been fed yet.6-All tickets had been sold before we got there.7-My flat was burgled last night.8-The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.9-The politician is being interviewed now.

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