Задание say what other famous russians you know about and why they are famous. Пример Alexy nemov. he's an olimpic champion in…

28 октября 2023

Задание say what other famous russians you know about and why they are famous. Пример Alexy nemov. he's an olimpic champion in gimnastics. Слова которые нужно употребить built. created. discovered .introduced .inveted. set a record. wrote. ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ СРОЧНО ПОБЛАГАДАРЮ

категория: английский язык


I want to tell you about Yuri Gagarin.he was the first man which flew in space on rocket which was created Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.The first space flight was of great interest around the world, and the Yuri Gagarin became a global celebrity

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