15 предложений на английском языке не тему: Если бы я был президентом то я бы……

18 августа 2024

15 предложений на английском языке не тему: Если бы я был президентом то я бы… (правильносоставленных)

категория: английский язык


If I were president, I would have introduced a free education. Many people want to learn, but do not have the funds for this purpose. I am against the sale in the educational sphere.If I were president, I would have left a good school teachers, would cancel classes that do not like children. All the money I would give older people to live well.If I were president, I would have tried to make people happy, would provide them with work, decent wages.If I were president, I would root out two Russian misfortunes: fools and roads. We will do less education, so that everyone was available, so that everyone could get higher. We will improve medicine, prosthetics disabilities. By housing program — so that all were able to purchase housing. We will support the domestic producer, will close the supply of foreign cars in Russia.If I were president, I would have changed the housing program for young professionals to acquire housing. Still, I changed the institution of the family, introduced in Russia would be polygamy.

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