Англомовні країни (твір)

16 сентября 2024

Англомовні країни (твір)

категория: английский язык


We will not zaperechuvati of scho not so long ago, Ukraine is small slabkі zv'yazki s іnshimi kraїnami svitu. Ale in the Danian hour situatsіya zmіnilasya on krasche. Oskіlki Ukraine teper є sovereign state, won vstanovlyuє novі stosunki s kraїnami usogo svitu. Ukraine — one іz chlenіv Organіzatsії Ob'єdnanih Natsіy i pregnant with fate robotі bagatoh mіzhnarodnih organіzatsіy.We shirokі zv'yazki s Canada, the U.S. i Velikobritanієyu in polіtitsі, ekonomіtsі th kulturі. We Kiєvі pratsyuyut іnozemnі Embassy Tsikh kraїn. Mi maєmo kіlka spіlnih polіtichnih proektіv i Zi U.S. Canada. Ostannіm hour IN UKRAINE z'yavilosya bogato spіlnih pіdpriєmstv. Takі velikі backwaters, yak Cherkaska aktsіonerne tovaristvo "Nitrogen", Gorlіvsky hіmіchny plant "Stіrol" Harkіvsky avіatsіyny plant prodayut your produktsіyu on mіzhnarodnomu Rink. Naukovyi spіvrobіtnitstvo takozh duzhe vazhlive. We є spіlnі doslіdzhennyu the projects on the U.S. space s i Canada. Spіvrobіtnitstvo galuzі in culture, sport osvіti th takozh Got The great significance. W tsimi kraїnami E obmіnyuєmosya students i vikladachami. For cordon heat priymayut Ukrainian orchestras, opera i Popular vikonavtsіv, ballet. Schoroku bogato turistіv s anglomovnih kraїn vіdvіduyut Ukraїnu. Vazhlivo zgadati scho bogato people ukraїntsіv for pohodzhennyam live in Kanadі. In fact we osoblivі vіdnosini s tsієyu kraїnoyu. Canada bula Perche sered zahіdnih powers scho viznala DERZHAVNAYA nezalezhnіst of Ukraine. Bogato ukraїntsіv scho at a time live at Kanadі th іnshih anglomovnih kraїnah not vtrachayut zv'yazku With Ukraine. Bogato Gromadska organіzatsіy, Navchalna zakladіv, relіgіynih organіzatsіy roblyat valued at vnesok rozvitok nashoji culture, th lіteraturi Mistetstvo.There is no denying the fact that not so long ago Ukraine had very weak con-nections with other countries in the world. But at present the situation has changed for the better. As now Ukraine is a sovereign state it establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world. Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of many international organizations. We have wide relations with Canada, the USA and Great Britain in policy, economics and culture. Foreign Embassies of these countries work in Kyiv. We have some joint political projects with the United States of America and Canada. A lot of joint ventures have appeared in Ukraine recently.Such big plants of ours as Cherkasy joint-stock company "Azot", Gorlivka chemical plant "Stirol", Kharkiv aircraft plant sell their products at the international market. Scientific cooperation is also very important. We have joint projects for space exploration with the USA and Canada. Cooperation in culture, education and sport is very important, too. We exchange students and teachers with these countries. The Ukrainian orchestras, pop and opera singers, ballet dancers are warmly received abroad. A lot of tourists from English-speaking countries visit Ukraine every year. It's very important to mention that many people who are Ukrainians by origin live in Canada. So we have particular relations with this country. Canada was the first among the western states that recognized the state independence of Ukraine. Many of the Ukrainians living now in Canada and other English-speaking countries don't lose connections with Ukraine. A lot of public organizations, educational establishments, religious organizations make considerable contribution to the development of our culture, literature and art.

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