Надо 8 предложений утвердительное отрицательное вопрасительное и специальный…

08 сентября 2024

Надо 8 предложений утвердительное отрицательное вопрасительное и специальный вопрос каждого по два плиз хелп время до завтра! Я напишу как нампоказывали и все 1My relative have received the parcel. 2My relative haven t received the parcel.3 Have my reletive receive the parcel? 4 Вопросительное слово Has или have подлежащее сказуемое второстепенные?

категория: английский язык


1. I have got a letter. — Я получил письмо. My father hasn't got a letter. Has my father got a letter? Who has got a letter? 2. You have passed the exam. — Ты сдал экзамен. You haven't passed the exam. Have you passed the exam? Who has passed the exam? 3. We have read this text. — Мы прочитали этот текст. We haven't read this text. Have we read this text? Who has read this text. 4. The boys have already done their homework. — Мальчики уже сделали домашнюю работу. The boys haven't done their homework yet. Have the boys done their homework? Who has done their homework? 5. The girl has gone to the skating-rink. — Девочка ушла на каток. The girl hasn't gone to the skating-rink. Has the girl gone to the skating-rink? Who has gone to the skating-rink? 6. The teacher has just begun the lesson. — Учитель только что начала урок. The teacher hasn't just begun the lesson. Has the teacher just begun the lesson? Who has just begun the lesson? 7. We have already cleaned our classroom. — Мы уже прибрались в классе. We haven't cleaned our classroom yet. Have we cleaned our classroom? Who has cleaned our classroom? 8. My mother has cooked dinner.- Мама приготовила обед. My mother hasn't cooked dinner. Has my mother cooked dinner? Who has cooked dinner?

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