Напишите пожалуйста соченение по английскому языку на те-ЧЕМ ИЗМЕНИЛ НАШУ ЗЕМЛЮ…

03 сентября 2024

Напишите пожалуйста соченение по английскому языку на те-ЧЕМ ИЗМЕНИЛ НАШУ ЗЕМЛЮ КОЛУМБ… . МОЖНО НЕ МЕНЕЕ 8 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ ЗАРАНИЕСПАСИБО…

категория: английский язык


In the early morning on October, 12, 1492 ships under the command of Christopher Columbus dropped anchor at banks the Bahamian island Гванагани (now San Salvador). And the Spanish flag is blown about above a terra incognita. Naked, without a weapon, habitants of island friendly and with interest watch swimming up to foreigners. If natives guessed about that, what grief will bring them this man, hardly they met him so carelessly. Only two years will pass, and one of them will kill, other will become slaves or will die of brought the aliens of infectious diseases — scarlatina, typhus, pox. Columbus appeared the discoverer of the New World by chance. He grew the son of ordinary weaver from the Italian city Genoa. And obtained to itself bread, dealing and drawing of geographical maps sugar. But he dreamed about other: rounding earth over Atlantic ocean, to find a short sea-lane from Europe to India. Already in those distant times scientists understood that this plan is complete nonsense. Columbus strongly underestimated the sizes of Earth. Plan of Columbus caused to attain India a western way a smile for royal advisers. They named a navigator mad. But he considered that a way to India would occupy a few days. Королева of Spain Isabel and her spouse became interested by a project and enticed by the promised fairy-tale riches. Besides they hoped to christianize the "wild people" of India. Royal family granted Колумбу title of "admiral of ocean seas" and gave to him in an order three small ships. on Augusts, 3, 1492 Columbus left to Атлантику. Many sailors were afraid of trip, because considered that earth flat, and were afraid to fall off her edge. In 10 weeks of swimming on a boundless ocean a sailor from a mast saw earth. But this was not India, as Columbus thought, but Bahamian islands at banks a new mainland — America.

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