Переведите предложения по правилам: 1. Она сказала что по субботам и Воскресеньям…

07 октября 2024

Переведите предложения по правилам: 1. Она сказала что по субботам и Воскресеньям они уезжают за город, 2. Когда она вошла ее спросилисколько ей лет и где она живет.

категория: английский язык


1.Ona said something on Saturday and Sunday ones uezzhayut of the city,2. When she voshla Her sprosyly hey how many years and where she zhyvеt.3. They are have learned something learned in one school.4. He said something ego VEHICLE slomalsya and on arrived at airport.5. His sprosyly knows ly do this, on a man? He has never said something ego not seen.6. The secretary said something êàê only boss she pryedet me soobschyt.7. She obъyasnyla something not bought a dress this is after something Ono deshovoe.8. CITY Street Poobeschal something zohlyanet k kak only be able to take us.9. How do you think online sderzhyt svoе obezhanye? 10. We were published uverenы something on pobedyt in the elections.11. We know something hotelos sluchylos with Ann.12. He assured us something we were not worth bespokoytsya.13. I said something I CAN nykak not come tomorrow.14. He said that in resurrection on will commit VEHICLE If ego Son will help emus.15. To me seemed something òû said something znaesh ego well.16. Teacher stprosyl children something homemade ones know about animals?

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