Помогите написать сочинение кем я восхищаюсь

19 сентября 2024

Помогите написать сочинение кем я восхищаюсь

категория: английский язык


Mikhail Lermontov! I find it hard to write, not knowing you in life, based on criticism and biography, written — alas! — Not your hand. Your life was short-lived, but the dazzling like a bright ray of sunshine in the stormy sky, after which is sure to be a rainbow. This is the work of a rainbow, you have created. It is so beautiful and true that, compared with it many works seem pointless and boring, it inspires our hearts and fill them with love and purity of mind and soul. You are not left many works, but they are gorgeous and delicious. Your life was hard, full of sorrow and disappointment, loneliness. It is in these moments is the creation of the best works that became the masterpieces of Russian literature. Not everyone can find meaning in the read, but I am sure that any person acquainted with your creativity, effortlessly find the truth, will find the essence of what is built on the plot, and that is the most important in the work. In my opinion, more important of all is that you write "hero of our time." This is the first in Russian literature realistic novel in prose, showing the real life of Russian society, which has many flaws and so little good and noble. While reading this novel, I forget about everything, created entirely new Sauveur the world with his life and unlike our own, with characters, strange and mysterious of which is not always clear to the reader. This is a wonderful work in my soul left an indelible mark. I was never so nothing spectacular, and I never with such interest does not give herself to read. "The hero of our time" — this is the most beautiful thing I've ever read, a book that I truly admire, are few, but this novel is the first among all the read me. Many critics have spoken of the "Hero of Our Time", as well as your other works, and they predicted historical immortality and glory of the poet. After a long time, but today my generation admire your creations. Many people call you one of the best, and it is. I wrote a poem about you: In the nineteenth century, once There was a wonderful poet, But the authorities, he was exiled twice, And did not return home too — no! He was killed in a duel with a brutal From the familiar, insidious hands With so deeply wounded heart And she lives behind. He was a young and very talented, And poems penned easily, But life ended suddenly, Taking him for years. Did not carry it often, but still He wrote, created and performed, And we do not honor it because worthless, He is doing so little spent. In our minds, he will long Do not ever forget it, All that is created is beautiful, as the Volga, Endlessly as steppe and grasslands. This poem is written from the heart. Probably, it has flaws, but I hope: eventually they will not be. The best that can be said about this great and famous person, like you, of course, did not write in a letter, but I know a small part of the best always there, you are amazing, very talented poet. Sorry that your life was so short. How many more wonderful work could b appear in Russian literature, but this fact and feared! No one wanted to read about the truth itself, to know the real situation in Russia. You were brave, strong in spirit, and wrote that he considered necessary. We all thank you very much for your work, which cost you your life, for all the best that was created. Thank you …

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