Помогите плиз написать сочинение на тему: happiness is a value worth pursuing ПОМОГИТЕ!

01 сентября 2024

Помогите плиз написать сочинение на тему: happiness is a value worth pursuing ПОМОГИТЕ!

категория: английский язык


produce a will that is good in itself; and a will is good only if itis motivated by duty. Good will, as has been said, is for Kantthe only thing that is good without qualification. It is not whatit achieves that constitutes the goodness of a good will; goodwill is good in itself alone.Even if, by some special disfavour of destiny, or by the niggardlyendowment of stepmotherly nature, this will isentirely lacking in power to carry out its intentions, if by itsutmost effort it still accomplishes nothing, and only good willis left… even then it would still shine like a jewel for its ownsake as something which has its full value in itself (Kant, 1991,394).Good will is the highest good and the condition of all othergoods, and good will is within our power, while happiness isnot. Happiness is an impossible goal to pursue, because nofinite being, however powerful and insightful, can say definitelyand consistently what he really wants. Riches may bringwith them anxiety, long life may turn out to be nothing butlong misery. Only an omniscient being could determine withcertainty what would make him truly happy.

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