Пожалуйста, люди! Я просто вас очень сильно прошу! Мне нужна статья, откуда нибудь,…

14 октября 2024

Пожалуйста, люди! Я просто вас очень сильно прошу! Мне нужна статья, откуда нибудь, на английском. На тему: Почему британцы не любят зоопарк! Срочно! Пожалуйста, в течении 20 минут. Я не могу найти

категория: английский язык


Activists British charity Naturewatch call close Kiev zoo, animal transfer to Europe. Organization dedicated to projects in Eastern Europe, calls the savage zoo."Kyiv Zoo is very far from any zoo in Europe. Horrendous conditions there, and how many would not appoint new directors — the situation there is no change," — said the representative of Naturewatch John Ruan.According to official figures for the last two years at the zoo died about 250 animals, including elephants, camels, zebra, penguin. In Naturewatch believe that the reason for that — the mistreatment of animals, malnutrition and lack of medical care, as well as corruption.It was reported that during the period from June 1 to October 1, 2010 the Audit Bureau in Kiev on the audit in the capital's zoo found violations of financial discipline in the amount of 328,2 million hryvniaSource: Comments Views: 11,327 Tags: cues,ZooBritain

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