Прочти письмо и впиши пропущенные слова-одно слово в каждом пропуске. Hi Mum, It's so…

27 августа 2024

Прочти письмо и впиши пропущенные слова-одно слово в каждом пропуске. Hi Mum, It's so lovely to be holiday.Paris is reallybeautiful.Right now,I am at the hotel.1) ___room is huge and I've got an amazing view of the city from here.There is 2) ____ big bad and a sofa with soft cushions on it.There is also a very big bathroom.

категория: английский язык


Hi Mum,It's so lovely to be holiday.Paris is really beautiful.Right now,I am at the hotel. Our room is huge and I've got an amazing view of the city from here.There is a big bad and a sofa with soft cushions on it.There is also a very big bathroom. I have so many things to do tomorrow.I really want to visit the Louvre and the Champs Elysees.I hear that they are fantastic.Laura.

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