Прочтите текст, пользуясь ключевыми словами исловосочетаниями, чтобы понять его…

10 сентября 2024

Прочтите текст, пользуясь ключевыми словами исловосочетаниями, чтобы понять его основное содержание.1. pattern – модель 2. surroundings –окружение 3. branch (field) – ветвь, отрасль, область 4. treat to the existence – угроза существования 5. “Shrewder exploitation of what it would be better to admire” – «более жестокая эксплуатация того, чем можно было бывосхищаться» 6. “web of life” – «паутина жизни» 7. drastic changes in its treatment – значительные меры вобращении 8. in order to avert global ruin – для того, чтобы предотвратитьглобальную катастрофу 9. different set of values – различная система ценностей 10. quality of human life – качество жизни 11. support and preserve ecosystems – поддерживать и сохранятьэкосистемы 12. make impact on – воздействовать, влиять на 13. fossil fuels – твердое топливо 14. drain the Earth’s capital –истощать богатства Земли 15. factory fumes and waste – заводской дым и отходы 16. disaster – бедствие, катастрофа 17. slagged and sludged – покрытое шлаками и грязевыминаносами 18. deforestation – вырубка леса 19. greenhouse effect – парниковый эффект 20. ozone layer – озоновый слой 21. ozone depletion – уменьшение/истощение озонового слоя 22. tan to cinder –обжигать до пеплаWhat is ecology? 1. Ecology is the scientific study of the pattern of the natural relationsof plants, animals, and people to each other and to their surroundings.2. Ecology is more than a branch of biology. It brings together a stringof natural and social sciences, as well as philosophy, and studies nature aswhole. This “holistic” approach is what makes it such a broad subject. Itscentral theme is interdependence of all living things.3. For centuries people been in the pursuit of their “proper role” onEarth – extending their power over nature as far as possible. In the resultof which people have become a threat to their own existence. By the1990s, with the fresh water selling well and holes in the sky foreverwidening, the science of ecology has been firmly rooted at the centre ofany serious discussion about desirable future. Like all sciences, ecologycan be put to good use or bad. It can protect nature or assist in theshrewder exploitation of what it would be better to admire” .4. Understanding the way nature works is vitally important. Ecologycan establish what we can and cannot do if the “web of life” is to be keptintact and it can be used to radically criticize society. To decide how itshould be used means choosing between different lifestyles, systems andtypes of civilizations.5. Ecology implies global solidarity – that we are all responsible foreveryone alive today, for future generations and for the Earth, which is ourcommon home. It implies a different set of values – that we must stopmeasuring people by their “efficiency” and “productivity” and start talkingabout health, harmony, beauty, justice and equality. It implies “sustainabledevelopment” , improving the quality of human life while preserving andsupporting ecosystems.6. Until capitalism set about industrializing society, nearly 80% of allthe things used by humanity came from the animal kingdom. Industrialismreserved the trend concentrating on the Earth’s store of non-renewableenergy and materials, such as fossil fuels and mineral ores. Industrialismswitched the emphasis from reproductive use of resource base, whichleaves it intact, to extractive use, which reduces the total store. Humanitybegan draining the Earth’s capital instead of living off the interest. 7. Eastern Europe was revealed as a disaster area –by ecological ,economic or any other standards. Whole regions are left slagged andsludged, swamped and burned, polluted and eroded. Задание 2. Прочтите текст снова. Найдите в нем ответы наследующие вопросы. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержитсяответ.1. What is ecology? 2. Why is it so important to understand the way the nature works? 3. What is sustainable development? 4. What did energy and other materials at that time make littleimpact on nature? 5. What are the environmental consequences of industrialism? 6. Why does ecological thinking has to be integrated into politics? Задание 3. Выберите утверждения, соответствующие содержаниютекста и обозначьте их буквой Т (true), несоответствующие – буквойF (false).1. Ecology is protection and preservation of plants and animals and theirhabitat.2. Ecology can provide the exact guidelines and analytical tools to farmintensively all the Earth’s resources.3. Ecology’s task is to extend human power over nature as far aspossible.4. Until capitalism set about industrializing society nearly 20% of all thethings used by humanity came from the animal kingdom.5. The atmosphere acts as a greenhouse for the Earth, letting throughincoming light but not trapping heat.6. All living things are made of oxygen.

категория: английский язык


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