Проверьте пожалуйста мое эссе, которое я писала на егэ. Пунктуацию, орфографию и…

24 сентября 2024

Проверьте пожалуйста мое эссе, которое я писала на егэ. Пунктуацию, орфографию и т.д. я оставила прежними. Завтра апелляция и нужно знать, на чтообратить внимание мне при оспаривании. Учительница толком ничего не объяснила. Поставили 5 из 14 баллов, по каждому критерию 1 балл. Тема такая: In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.

категория: английский язык


In the modern world some people think that congenital gift is the most significant quality for every profession. However, other (others (одни люди думают одно, а другие думают иначе) believe that compliance with rules and procedures are (is) more serious. But in my point of view (from my point of view) it is not really true. I personally (Если имелось ввиду «Лично я думаю, что», то правильнее было написать «Personally, I… ») think that every human has a talent. (I personally тоже пишут, но в этом случае ударение ставится на личность, например: Я лично (я сам) приду к нему и во всем разберусь) To begin with, it does not matter which, but each of them (each of them – грамматически правильно, но в смысловом плане «each talent» было бы вернее) is really important in our life. As well, following discipline is the part of success, but not in all areas. Some people have a predilection to art. For example, many art workers, they are dependent on muse (Так предложения не строятся. Нужно было написать: For example, many art workers are dependent on muse). For this reason, discipline is not important in occupation.On the other hand, many business people are sure about their luck thanks to planning and responsibility. This kind of work has many set rules. Therefore, many successful people are really punctial (punctual – опечатка?).However, I do not agree with the opposing opinion. Certainly, life is very unpredictable and hard. Thus, gliding is not the best way in every specialization. History shows many doers of art, who were a professionals (who were professionals, мн.ч.) in their deals. For example, Alexander Abdulov not always learnt a text of script before survey (For example, Alexander Abdulov did not always learn a text of script before survey). He can (мы говорим об А. Абдулове в прошедшем времени, поэтому could) put his text somewhere on the film set and periodically pry into it. Even so, he was a great actor.In conclusion, I want to stress that talent is more foreground. Discipline can come with time. Because as a famous proverb says: “Talanted (talented) person is talanted (talented) in all” (грамматически предложение построено верно) In conclusion, I want to stress that talent is more foreground. Discipline can come with time. Because as a famous proverb says: “Talanted person is talanted in all” .

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