Реферат на английском языке на тему Казахская национальная одежда и быт.…

23 октября 2024

Реферат на английском языке на тему Казахская национальная одежда и быт. Помогите, плиз. Срочнонадо

категория: английский язык


"KAZAKHS. The Culture and everything". The Kazakh people are rich in traditions. From birth through old age and death, every step of their lives has historically been marked with celebration. Even their funeral ceremonies have their own special symbolism. Unfortunately, many rich and interesting traditions and customs of the Kazakh people have been forgotten throughout the past century. Real sovereignty is just now being reestablished in Kazakhstan due to the process of democratization. These abandoned traditions are just now being rediscovered by the Kazakh people. These traditions include being respectful to old people; being patriotic to the motherland; being honest; and learning to love mankind. The people that live in Kazakhstan (this is the actual way that you spell "Kazakhstan") very bright colors like the colors on the rainbow. You may also catch one wearing gold and silver (the color, not the actual material that people mine in mines). Sometimes. some people might have a "tinge" (a bit) of black, brown, and some other dark colors. The people that live in Kazakhstan (this is the actual way that you spell "Kazakhstan") very bright colors like the colors on the rainbow. You may also catch one wearing gold and silver (the color, not the actual material that people mine in mines). Sometimes. some people might have a "tinge" (a bit) of black, brown, and some other dark colors. Read more: http: //wiki.answers.com/Q/What_clothing_do_people_wear_in_Kazakhstan#ixzz1lWCinGQS 100500%

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