Составить монолог! Срочно!) не большой what season you are fond of,why; what kind of weather is the best foryou,why do…

25 сентября 2024

Составить монолог! Срочно!) не большой what season you are fond of,why; what kind of weather is the best foryou,why do you like it; what the weather is today;

категория: английский язык


My favourite season is Summer. I like it the most because I enjoy the sun, i like tanning on the beach or in the park. When it's summer I become happy, i can do a lot of outdoor sports. I like when it is hot outside, but not too much with a little breeze. I prefer to live in a country with changeable season, because every season has its benefits: in summer you can swim in the swimming pool, in winter you can make snowmans, in autumn you are able to enjoy the beautiful forests and in spring you could just enjoy a nice walk.

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