Твір на тему «Система освіти в Україні" на англійській мові.

11 августа 2024

Твір на тему «Система освіти в Україні" на англійській мові.

категория: английский язык


The system of schooling in UkrainePresent-day independent Ukraine has got a rather developed system of education, which in many respects answers the standards of the developed countries.General secondary education is free and compulsory.Post-secondary education is acceptable o one and all.The educational system includes over 23000 preschool educational establishments (child day-care centers).The basic link of he system is general educational school, of which there are 21350 now.This shool has there stages: primary, basic and senior.Of late there appeared a new type of schools meant for gifted children.There are gymnasiums and lycees, private schools in our country.The secondary school must secure a uniform level of knowledge necessary for every student.Besides, it also has optional, extracurricular courses and disciplines reflecting the school's academic speciality or major.An important role in the educational system is played by vocational trainig schools providing almost 800 qualifications.Post-secondary education is provided by institutions of higher learning training young spectalists: universities,academies, institutes and conservatories, including 14 classical and 45 technological and branch universities,30 academies and 72 istiutes.Ukraine numbers a total of 1,5 million college and university students. A multilevel system of training is being-introduced based on the 'junior specialist B.A.-specialist-M.A.'scheme.The altenative system of higher education is gainingmomentum made up of non-governmental institutions.Institutions of higher learning enroll some 12000 foreign students, postgraduates and visiting graduates, of whom 8000 are on Ukrainian government scholarship.Ukraine cooperates with more than 50 international educational organizations, programs and foundations.

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