Всем привет) помогите пожалуйста написать эссе по всем правилам на тему: "A wonderful…

16 августа 2024

Всем привет) помогите пожалуйста написать эссе по всем правилам на тему: "A wonderful robot of the future". Заранее огромноеспасибо)

категория: английский язык


(I dont really know what you mean about "on all rules" but here is an essay about the topic you requested: ') Everyone dreams of the ideal robot, who can do everything for you. Wash the dishes for you, clean everything, do you homework or job for you, etc. Robots in general make our life easier. But what will be the most wonderful and ideal kind of robot? The robot of the future of course! Our technology is improving year by year, and we are getting only closer and closer to that "wonderful robot of the future". It is planned that this future robot will be able to do just about anything. The robot will be the ideal model, and will be the most perfected version of all the previous versions of such robot. No longer will you have to cook, clean, or bother to do anything at all! Even to study! The future robot will do all that for you! Of course though, this robot will come with a good price, but those who truly enjoy being in their upmost comfort, then it is recommended, no matter what the price is, to get that robot!

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