1. Choose the correct item. (5 points) 1) Look! The children dance/ are dancing very well! 2) Jack usually has/is having breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3)…

12 октября 2023

1. Choose the correct item. (5 points) 1) Look! The children dance/ are dancing very well! 2) Jack usually has/is having breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3) It'sthree o'clock. The cat eats/is eating meat now. 4) The boys play/are playing computer games every day. 5) Helen isn't singing a song now/every evening. 2. Complete the sentences. 1) There ______ a big window to the left of the door. 2) There ______ three rooms in our country house. 3) ________ there three cups on the coffee-table? 4) _______ there a carpet on the floor? 5) There ________ no cats in the sitting room.

категория: английский язык


1.are dancing2.has3.is eating4.play5.now2 задание: 1.is2.are3 .are4.is5.are

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