1. Fill in shall, will or the be going to form. A: Your garden needs tidying. B: I know. I … do it this afternoon. A: … I lendyou my gardening…

22 ноября 2023

1. Fill in shall, will or the be going to form. A: Your garden needs tidying. B: I know. I … do it this afternoon. A: … I lendyou my gardening tools? B: Thank you. I … come round to collect them later. A: I … visit my brother this afternoon, so I … bring them to you now, if you like.

категория: английский язык


I'm going to do it this afternoon.will i lend you my garderning tools? … I will come round to collect them later.I'm going to visit my brother this afternoon,so I will bring them to you now,if you like.

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