1. I didn't like the soup. There was not meat there.2. The Johnsons never travel by plane, don't they? 3. She is beautiful. Her hair are long .4.…

15 октября 2023

1. I didn't like the soup. There was not meat there.2. The Johnsons never travel by plane, don't they? 3. She is beautiful. Her hair are long .4. Andrew's brother goes to the library three times the month.5. Have you got the aunt? 6. She will at school at 11 o'clock tomorrow.7. I haven't translate the text yet.8. She has give the book to Mike's brother.9. -Who live in this nice little house? -The Browns do.10. Nobody didn't take part in the competition.

категория: английский язык


1. I didn't like the soup. There was no meat there.2. The Johnsons never travel by plane, did they? 3. She is beautiful. Her hair is long .4. Andrew's brother goes to the library three times a month.5. Have you got an aunt? 6. She will be at school at 11 o'clock tomorrow.7. I haven't translated the text yet.8. She has given the book to Mike's brother.9. -Who lives in this nice little house? -The Browns do.10. Nobody took part in the competition.

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