1) When her husband ____________ (arrive) home, Anne __________________ (watch) television. 2) I _________________ (prepare) dinner when the…

16 октября 2023

1) When her husband ____________ (arrive) home, Anne __________________ (watch) television. 2) I _________________ (prepare) dinner when the telephone_________________ (ring). 3) What ________________________ (you do) when the postman ______________ (arrive)? 4) Julie _______________ (learn) to drive when she ___________________ (work) in London. 5) Where ___________________ (you sit) when the show ________________ (begin)? 6) I ________________ (visit) Athens while I ____________________ (tour) Greece. 7) It was when he ____________________ (cross) the street that John______________ (fall). 8) What ________________ (you see) while you ______________________ (wait) for the bus? 9) Where _______________________ (you go) when your car ________________ (break) down? 10) Julie ________________ (meet) Peter when she ___________________ (walk) in the park.

категория: английский язык


1) When her husband arrived home, Anne was watching television. 2) I was preparing dinner when the telephone rang. 3) What were you doing when the postman arrived? 4) Julie learned to drive when she was working in London. 5) Where were you sitting when the show began? 6) — 7) It was when he was crossing the street that John fell. 8) What did you see while you was waiting for the bus? 9) Where did you go when your car broke down? 10) Julie met Peter when she was walking in the park.

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