1 задание: Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.1-usually/ to / shopping / at / weekend / the / go 2- goes / to / he /…

23 сентября 2023

1 задание: Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.1-usually/ to / shopping / at / weekend / the / go 2- goes / to / he / bed / sometimes / late 3-TV / watches / never / the / in / Samantha / morning 4-usually / I / dinner / eat / seven / at / past / half СДЕЛАЙТЕ ПЛИЗ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО

категория: английский язык


1 To go shopping usually at the weekend2 Sometimes he goes to bed late3 Samantha never watches TV in the morning.4 I usually eat dinner at half past seven.5 Tim often meet his dad after school. 1My dad is painting the house today2 -What are you doing,Sam? — I am writing… 3 … aren't watching TV… they are doing … 4 Is John repearing his car?

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