2) Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets into appropriate tense forms.1 Tara has broken up with Tony. Now she … Frank, (date) 2…

09 сентября 2023

2) Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets into appropriate tense forms.1 Tara has broken up with Tony. Now she … Frank, (date) 2 Tara and Frank … for two weeks, (date) 3 We didn't go for a walk because it… at the time, (rain) 4 The playing field was almost under water because it… for days, (rain) 5 This time next week, Anthony … children how to abseil, (teach) 6 By the end of his stay in Mexico, Ben … Spanish for a month, (learn)

категория: английский язык


1) is dating; 2) dates; 3) rained; 4) has rained; 5) will teach; 6) has learned.

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