3. FIll in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past: simple or continuous.1. While I … . (study) , Sam … (play) computer…

01 ноября 2023

3. FIll in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past: simple or continuous.1. While I … . (study) , Sam … (play) computer games.2. Tina … (lay) the table when the guests … (arrive) 3. Sarah … . (wear) a nice fancy dress costume.4. The sun … . (shine) when we … . (get up) this morning.5. What … . (the children/do) when the teacher … . (arrive) 6. My father … . (not/feel) well yesterday, so he … (not\do) to work.7. He … (drink) a lot. That's why he… . (have) problems at work.8. People … . (think) that she … (be) a good artist, but she (not\be).9. While Mary … (sleep) , the children … . (chat).10. Who … . (tell) you the news'

категория: английский язык


1. While I was studying , Sam was playing computer games.2. Tina was laying the table when the guests arrived3. Sarah was wearing a nice fancy dress costume.4. The sun was shining when we got up this morning.5. What were the children doing when the teacher arrived6. My father did not feel well yesterday, so he did not go to work.7. He drank a lot. That's why he had problems at work.8. People thought that she was a good artist, but she was not 9. While Mary was sleeping , the children were chatting.10. Who told you the news? 4. Say if the sentences are right or wrong. Correct the wrong ones.1. While we were waiting for the bus, it started to rain.2. Did you go to the cinema last Friday? 3. Paul opened the door and switched the TV on.4. There were lots of people waiting for the singer.5. Who phoned a few minutes ago? 6. The concert was cancelled because the drummer did not feel well. 7. Tom used to eat lots of pasta when he was a child.8. Why didn't you call the police when you had the accident? 9. Carol really enjoyed the film. She told me.10. Danny knew I was right, but he didn't want to accept it.

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