3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be: 12) There ______ no exam tomorrow. 13) Look! There ______ a lot of plates on the…

29 октября 2023

3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be: 12) There ______ no exam tomorrow. 13) Look! There ______ a lot of plates on the table. 14) There ______ a lotof apples last autumn. 15) I wanted to drink but there ______ no water in the glass. 16) She ______ 8 now, but she ______ 7 last year. 17) ______ you ______ at home tomorrow? 18) ______ you ______ at home yesterday?

категория: английский язык


12) There will be no exam tomorrow.13) Look! There are a lot of plates on the table.14) There were a lot of apples last autumn.15) I wanted to drink but there was no water in the glass.16) She is 8 now, but she was 7 last year.17) Will you be at home tomorrow? 18) Were you at home yesterday?

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