5. Подчеркните правильный ответ.1. I'm going/going to spend the weekend with my aunt in Wales.2. I usually meeting/meet my…

05 сентября 2023

5. Подчеркните правильный ответ.1. I'm going/going to spend the weekend with my aunt in Wales.2. I usually meeting/meet my friends after school on Friday evenings.3. Sam is living/lives with his parents until he finds a job.4. Virginia Woolf published/is publishing her first book in 1915,5. Did you use to/used to help in the kitchen when you were young? 6. What do you do/are you doing this Monday, Sally? 7. When did World War I begin/began? 8. I used to/use to do a lot of sport, but now I don’t.9. She walks/is walking the dog at the moment.10. Samantha goes/is going swimming every Friday. 6. Раскройте скобки.1. ________________ (you/see) that science fiction film on TV last night? (Did you see) 2. Dad ____________ (mow) the lawn every Saturday morning. 3. Simon ___________________ (not/walk) the dog. He's in his room.4. I _______________ (meet) James for coffee in half an hour. Do you want to come? 5. We ________________ (not/eat) out a lot. We prefer to relax at home.

категория: английский язык


1.going to2.meet3.-4.published5.use to6.are you doing7.began8.used to9.is walking.10.goes.1.Did you see2.mows3.isn't walking

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