93. Put the verbs in brackets inti the cjrrect tense.1… . (you/meet) Paul yesterday? 2. Father… . (work) in the garden now? 3.What… (you/do) at…

06 сентября 2023

93. Put the verbs in brackets inti the cjrrect tense.1… . (you/meet) Paul yesterday? 2. Father… . (work) in the garden now? 3.What… (you/do) at the moment? 4. Mr Jones… (paint) his house last month.5. She… (go) to school on foot every day.6. It… (be) not yesterday7. The baby… (not/sleep) now8.He never… (drive) fast9.She … (leave) Paris in 1987

категория: английский язык


1. Did you meet Paul yesterday? 2. Is father working in the garden now? 3. What are you doing at the moment? 4. Mr.Jones painted his house last month.5. She goes to school on foot every day.6. It was not not yesterday.7. The baby is not sleeping now.8. He never drives fast.9. She left Paris in 1987.

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