A. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the Past Simple. 1.I _______________________ (move) here nine years ago.

19 сентября 2023

A. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the Past Simple. 1.I _______________________ (move) here nine years ago.

категория: английский язык


A. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the Past Simple.1. I _____moved__________ here nine years ago.2. __Did_____he___meet__________ her in June? 3. You ___did not buy____________the present yesterday.4. Mr Jones __lived_____here six months ago.5. Last year he ____taught_____ children how to play the guitar.6. __Did____he __buy__________that bike last weekend? B. Choose the correct verb and change it into the Past Simple.1. ___Did_________you ___go________ to a party last night? 2. My parents ______gave_________________ me a new T-shirt yesterday.3. I ______watched_________________ a great film last night.4. Our school party _____wasn't__________________ last Friday. (neg.) 5. Last Sunday I ___had____________________ lunch with my girlfriend.6. My mother _____made__________________ a cake yesterday morning

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