B1. Open the brackets and fi ll in the appropriate form of the verb: I (to work) in the offi ce all afternoon.B2. Underline the correct variant: A…

10 сентября 2023

B1. Open the brackets and fi ll in the appropriate form of the verb: I (to work) in the offi ce all afternoon.B2. Underline the correct variant: A (barber / hairdresser) is a person who cuts, washes and styles women’s hair.C1. Write the defi nitions: 1) A vet_____ 2) A teacher_____

категория: английский язык


B1. Open the brackets and fi ll in the appropriate form of the verb: I was working in the offi ce all afternoon.B2. Underline the correct variant: A hairdresser is a person who cuts, washes and styles women’s hair.C1. Write the defi nitions: 1) A vet is a person who treats animals2) A teacher is a person who teaches students

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