Brian: Hello,Steve. I haven`t seen you for ages. What (you / do) these days? Steve: I (train) to be a shop manager. Brian: Really? (you / enjoy) it?…

20 ноября 2023

Brian: Hello,Steve. I haven`t seen you for ages. What (you / do) these days? Steve: I (train) to be a shop manager. Brian: Really? (you / enjoy) it? Steve: Yes, it`s quite interesting. How about you? Brian: Well, I (not / working) at the moment, but I`m very busy. I (build) a house. Steve: Really? (you / do) it alone? Brian: No, some friends of mine (help) me.

категория: английский язык


Hello,Steve. I haven`t seen you for ages. What are you doing/have you been doing these days? Steve: I am training/have been training to be a shop manager. Brian: Really? Do you enjoy it? Steve: Yes, it`s quite interesting. How about you? Brian: Well, I am not working at the moment, but I`m very busy. I am building a house. Steve: Really? Are you doing it alone? Brian: No, some friends of mine are helping me.

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