Choose the appropriate modal verbs21.I… remember her address.A) can't B) should to C) ought22.I was pushing the door with all might — but it……

01 октября 2023

Choose the appropriate modal verbs21.I… remember her address.A) can't B) should to C) ought22.I was pushing the door with all might — but it… open! A) shouldn't B) wouldn't C) hadn't23. He sees very poorly. He… wear glasses all the time. A) has to B) ought C) can24. The painting… be a masterpiece, but the colours are wonderful! A) ought not B) may not C) must not25.I will be worried, so you… phone me every evening.A) must B) have C) should to26. To save money you… take a sandwich to eat on the train. A) must to B) ought C) should27. We're going to this performance! I… buy two tickets at a very ridiculous price! A) might have B) was able to C) could to28. It's Sunday tomorrow and we… to go to school.A) mustn't B) shouldn't C) don't have29. You've broken my cup. You… it! A) needn't take B) didn't need to take C) needn't have taken30. It's impossible! He… have taken the money! A) was going to B) can't C) have to

категория: английский язык


21) C22) B23) A24) B25) A26) C27) A28) C29) C30) A

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