.Choose the correct variant. 11. It`s ________ warmer today than it was yesterday. a) most b) more c) too d) much 12. What is Linda`s mother? a)…

17 октября 2023

.Choose the correct variant. 11. It`s ________ warmer today than it was yesterday. a) most b) more c) too d) much 12. What is Linda`s mother? a) She`s Nancy. b) She is a doctor. c) She`s very kind and gentle. 13. Mary opened the door but there was ________ there. a) anybody b) nobody c) somebody d) everybody 14. You _______ smoke here. Do you see the sign over there? a) can b) may not c) have to d) mustn`t 15. Once ___ philosopher was travelling down ___ Amazon in ___ small boat. a) a; the; the b) the; the; the c) a; -; a d) a; the; a

категория: английский язык


11. It`s much warmer todaythan it was yesterday.12. What is Linda`smother? — She's very kind and gentle.13. Mary opened the doorbut there was nobody there. 14. You may not smoke here. Doyou see the sign over there? 15. Once a philosopherwas travelling down the Amazon in a small boat.

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