Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.1.His essay is very good. It… the top mark, I believe.a) appreciates b) deserves c) relies d)…

25 сентября 2023

Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.1.His essay is very good. It… the top mark, I believe.a) appreciates b) deserves c) relies d) supports2.I don’t think anybody can help me in this situation, but I … your offer to help anyway.a) rescue b) envy c) betray d) appreciate3.My roommate is a real chatterbox. If she doesn’t stop talking in a minute, we … again, I’m afraid.a) have quarreled b) will quarrel c) quarrel d) are quarrelling4.I’ve known Tommy since our early childhood. He is a true friend. I can … him in any situation.a) is relying on b) rely at c) has relied on d) rely on5.I met my best friend on the day … I started school.a) when b) since c) for d) while

категория: английский язык


1) 1.His essay is very good. It deserves the top mark, I believe. b) deserves 2) 2.I don’t think anybody can help me in this situation, but I appreciate your offer to help anyway. d) appreciate 3) 3.My roommate is a real chatterbox. If she doesn’t stop talking in a minute, we will quarrel again, I’m afraid.b) will quarrel 4) 4.I’ve known Tommy since our early childhood. He is a true friend. I can rely on him in any situation. d) rely on 5) 5.I met my best friend on the day when I started school.a) when

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