Complete the following sentences with a/an, the or no article.we shall have… five lessons on… Monday.lets go to… . sports ground and play……

20 октября 2023

Complete the following sentences with a/an, the or no article.we shall have… five lessons on… Monday.lets go to… . sports ground and play… volleyball.thats… .good idea.whats… matter? whats… problem? we have got… new teacher… teachers name is… Mr Green… Greens have got… .nice house… house is not in… london.I met… funny little boy yesterday… boy said: i cant play… .football.lets play… hide-and-seek.in summer… .mike lived in… country.he saw… big tree there… .tree was very old.we bought… .armchair… last Thursday… armchair is comfortable.

категория: английский язык


We shall have… A… .five lessons on… Monday.lets go to… . sports ground and play… A… .volleyball.thats… .A… good idea.whats… matter? whats… problem? we have got… A… new teacher… AN… teachers name is… Mr Green… Greens have got… A… .nice house… house is not in… A… .london.I met… .A… funny little boy yesterday… boy said: i cant play… A… football.lets play… .An… hide-and-seek.in summer… .mike lived in… country.he saw… big tree there… .tree was very old.we bought… .armchair… last Thursday… AN… .armchair is comfortable.

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