Complete the sentences.Use the comparative or siperlative form of the adjectives.1) An elephant is____ (heavy) than a dog.2) Anna is the___ (tall)…

07 сентября 2023

Complete the sentences.Use the comparative or siperlative form of the adjectives.1) An elephant is____ (heavy) than a dog.2) Anna is the___ (tall) girl in her class.3) It rain all week.It was the__ (bad) holiday we are ever had.4) Trains are usually___ (fast) than buses.5) I think playing chess in____ (interesting) than playing computer games.6) It is the____ (expensive) CD I've ever bought.

категория: английский язык


1) heavier2) the tallest3) the worst 4) faster5) more interesting6) the most expensive

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