Complete the sentences with back, on (upon) , out, (up) for. 1. Alex hit ____________ a radical solution to his problem. 2. I’m sure he’ll hit…

16 ноября 2023

Complete the sentences with back, on (upon) , out, (up) for. 1. Alex hit ____________ a radical solution to his problem. 2. I’m sure he’ll hit you____________ for the money he needs. 3. Mrs. Stones hit ____________ at the committee’s decision. 4. Don’t mess with him: if you hit him, he’s sure to hit you ____________. 5. The President hit ____________ his rival by accusing him of double standards. 6. He screamed and hit ____________ at his opponent.

категория: английский язык


1. up2. out3. back4. back5. out6. out

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