Допишите вопросы и ответы 1… he got a little car? -Yes… .2. his car little? -YES 3.they gjt many cars? -YES 4. the cars…

05 сентября 2023

Допишите вопросы и ответы 1… he got a little car? -Yes… .2. his car little? -YES 3.they gjt many cars? -YES 4. the cars little? -YES 5. you play with little cars? -YES 6. he read books about cars? -YES

категория: английский язык


1.Has he got a little car? -Yes, he has 2.Is his car little? -YES, it is 3.Have they got many cars? -YES, they have 4. Are the cars little? -YES, they are 5. Do you play with little cars? -YES, I do 6. Does he read books about cars? -YES, he does.

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